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Privacy Policy

Data Collection

We receive, collect and store any information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way. In addition, we collect the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; login; e-mail address; password; computer and connection information and purchase history. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page. We also collect personally identifiable information (including name, email, password, communications); payment details (including credit card information), comments, feedback, product reviews, recommendations, and personal profile.

Data Storage

This website is hosted by Wix. They allow me to store information on the website for data analysis and automated email updates.


This website uses Google Adsense to display targeted ads based on your web browsing history. You can change your settings on the Google Ad Center located here.

How is your Data Used

Personal data I receive such as emails and names are used for blog updates or consultation.


Cookies are used to see how you interact with the site, what pages you are on, and how much time is spent. It helps me improve my website!


Your data will only be used as stated above specifically or to comply with any applicable local laws and regulations.

3rd Parties

I do not sell your data or personal information to 3rd parties. Data would only be available to a 3rd party as necessary to comply with any applicable laws or regulations.


I will only send email updates when there is a new blog post or promotion. If you enter a request or a question, I will respond promptly through email. Email addresses are also collected for sending Paypal invoices.


Payment for any goods or services is through Paypal. Once a scope of work and agreement occurs you can expect an invoice that documents cost. For custom work, I require an initial payment of 20-40% of the estimated cost. The remainder is collected upon completion (prior to mailing) or upon delivery (in person).

©2021 by Sunny Salvage Crafts. Proudly created with Thanks to for free graphics.

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