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Fix Ugly Tshirt Yarn : Quick Tip

Writer's picture: Allison BakerAllison Baker

I LOVE helping people troubleshoot sewing and upcycling challenges! I recently came across someone in a Facebook group, who had the question:

Is there a way to prevent tshirt yarn from rolling? I want to be able to see the colorful printed side but it rolls so that only the back is visible.

If you don't know already, this is tshirt yarn in it's natural state. It curls at the edges a bit, which is something that ALL knit materials (even hand knit!) are prone to. If you work the material as is, either by crochet, braiding, or knitting, you will get an object that mainly shows the back fabric colors.

wrong side only crochet

Hand knitter's fix this by knitting what's called ribbing pattern (a combination of purls and knits) that is extra stretchy and stabilizes the rest of the knit (all knit stitches) fabric.

Here's how I tackle that problem when I work with tshirt yarn!

Just twist the yarn a little so it's right side out while making a loop (while crocheting, knitting, or braiding)

It should look like this if you're crocheting!

You'll need to do this twisting motion for each stitch if you want the pretty side to show! I personally like to have a mix of both sides visible, it adds a really nice variety to projects.

Let me know if you try this tip! Tag @Sunny_Salvage on Instagram or Facebook and follow me on Pinterest for more upcycling ideas!

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