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Pin Making Experiment #2

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

After making a pin with a bottle cap, I wanted to see what other supplies I could use! Today I'll show you how you can use a store key ring card! I feel like this is something everyone has at least a few of somewhere in their house! These things drive me crazy, if they're on my keys they get in the way, but I also can't seem to sign up for any kind of bonus card without getting one. Can't we just use our phone numbers as a universal bonus code at checkout?

Anyway! Let's get into how I made this pin!


Store member keyring card

Scrap fabric

Decorating supplies (I used embroidery, so some embroidery floss)

Small piece of rigid plastic

Safety pin or broach pin

Embroidery hoop (optional)

General hand sewing supplies

To start, I traced my card onto my fabric so that I would know how big of a space to embroider. You will also need to trace the card onto your back piece of fabric and your piece of plastic.

Then get decorating! If you want your embroidery to look like my design, I used the chain stitch. You can find a quick tutorial here. Apologies for the poorer quality pics, this was a great project for travelling!

Overcast edges and gathering stitches!

After you finish decorating, you will want to cut around your decorated fabric leaving roughly 1/4"-1/2" of fabric around the edge. If your fabric frays easily like mine, you may want to do a quick whip stitch or zigzag over the edges. You will want to do the same steps for your back piece of fabric also.

Then you will sew a gathering stitch around the edge of your front piece of fabric, put the bonus card in the center of the fabric, and pull your thread tight so that it closes in on the card. I like to sew some zig zags from the top to the bottom of the fabric to make sure it is pulled taught and stays tight.

Now we will work on the back piece! Carefully cut out the plastic piece that you traced earlier. Sew the safety pin or broach pin to the right side of your back fabric with tight secure stitches. Sew a gathering stitch around the edges of the back fabric, place the plastic in the center, and pull tight like you did with the front!

Now we will join the front and back piece!

Yikes, that's a big gap!

I didn't realize how bulky this design would be! I was originally going to go for an invisible ladder stitch but I think I'm gonna do a visible ladder stitch in embroidery thread as I'm not sure how much I'll be able to cinch it in.

Clips are handy for this part!

To do this, you will need to sew an invisible ladder stitch between the edges. You can find a tutorial for a ladder stitch here!

Your pin is ready to show off!

I can see this being a fun project to do with kids and adding decorations like lace, beads, sequins, or paint. Make it your own! If you're looking for some more handmade pin and broach ideas, you can check out my Pinterest board. If you use this tutorial to make your own pin, I'd love to see it! Tag me @Sunny_Salvage on IG! And lastly, give Sunny Salvage a like on Facebook to get all my latest updates!

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