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Peace out 2021! What's up 2022?!

Writer's picture: Allison BakerAllison Baker

This was the year I realized that there was never going to be a "right time" to get started on my big dreams and that I should just start wherever I'm at and start making progress! You should do the same! We aren't getting any younger, right?!

I had high hopes for 2021, 21 being one of my lucky numbers and all! Even with a pandemic raging on and personal hardships, I think I can say it was still a good year overall!

Check out some of these cool things I made this year!

A major goal this year was rescuing 10 pounds of textile waste and upcycling it into something else. I started tracking my progress in January and by March I had reached my goal! I kept on tracking my progress and to date, I've saved 21 pounds of resources from the landfill!

I swear I didn't plan on saving 21 lbs in 2021, but kinda funny that it worked out that way!

That's about the same weight as a sledge hammer or a lawn mower!

Data is dope! If you're working on a climate crisis project start tracking your work! People can't deny our efforts when you have numbers to back it!

This was also the year I started blogging! I thought it would just be me writing tutorials and taking progress pictures- but it turns out there's a lot more to learn! Tik Toks, picture editing, working with special lighting + tripods, website building, digital pattern drafting are all some new skills I've picked up this year! Looking to grow even more next year!

With all that learning going on- I was still able to get 15 tutorials published so other folks can get inspired to upcycle fabric!

Here are my top 3 projects:

Add pockets to anything with this tutorial!

Learn to make your own tshirt from your old tshirts!

Rescue old popped pool floats into cute make-up pouches!

2022- What's up?!

I'm excited for the upcoming year! I'm hoping to share even more tutorials, offer 1 on 1 upcycling coaching, and maybe open a small shop for reclaimed goodies! Even with the climate crisis looming, I know we are going to be able to make a difference in our communities! Let's stay inspired this year and GET IT DONE!

My inbox is always open for sewing questions! I can't wait to hear from you! As always, follow me on Instagram @Sunny_Salvage, like Sunny Salvage on Facebook, and follow me on Pinterest for more upcycling inspiration!

Happy new year, may it bring you health, happiness and success!

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